Several takeaways from the three articles;
Being that schools are focused on teaching the traditional methods and those methods are to score well on standardized testing or be penalized by the state, art in curriculum tends to be pushed to the side. The DeMoss article notes that integrating art across several academic disciplines found that students were more engaged in the content being presented when integrated with art then without. It also found that learning with integrated art broadens students learning experiences as it allows then to express themselves outside the traditional methods.
The Flory article again noted that focusing on math and reading for Standardized Testing, which focuses on the lowest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy, has pushed art out of the curriculum. This has the negative effect on students both cognitively and emotionally. Overall, teachers find it difficult to find time to utilize art projects or activities. Teachers, by no fault of their own, focus primarily on their visual and auditory learners. By not focusing on multiple intelligences, a large percentage of students is put at a disadvantage simply by their leaning style. Art allows students to fail and not be graded as a math or reading assignment would be, it showed that students would take more chances when allowed to answer through art. English Language learners tend to be unfairly tested yet can demonstrate understanding when allowed to express themselves through an art medium.
In the Mind Shift article, the author noted that when students are allowed to perform hands on activities they deepen their understanding. This is by basically creating your own learning. As in the other articles, it notes that integrating art is an affective form of differentiation as it accesses the different abilities, interests, and learning styles of learners.
Connections to my classroom:
While I was teaching general education, the focus was definitely on testing as PARRC was being rolled out. The best part of the week was when my class had art or music. They enjoyed it so much being it allowed them to express themselves and show what they know, without it being right or wrong.
Currently I am teaching Special Education. I have used art to help my behavior kiddos let me know what is bothering them. Allowing them to draw their emotions and express how I can better help them is very beneficial as it allows them all the time they need to regain control of their emotions. I use it to allow my students to demonstrate their understanding of math skills, sequencing stories, comprehension skills, and illustrate their goals. My students do not do well with showing what they know with the current traditional methods of teaching. Using art and visual mediums allows them to demonstrate their understanding of the material being taught.