Forum Post 2: Readings from Assignment 3

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Forum Post 2: Readings from Assignment 3

Brittany Glass

Art has always been viewed as a “bonus class” as long as I can remember. I was never one who became intrigued with the subject, although I did enjoy the courses throughout my educational career. After reading through the articles assigned, I noted that Art is considered to be a gateway to other areas of learning. Through art, children are exposed to other subjects such as math and science. I know that art is often overlooked for all the benefits that it does have simply because people do not realize what art has to offer. The articles also discussed that art has the potential to encourage lifelong learners and assist students in motivating their purpose in life. Many educators are dedicated to instilling those skill sets within the minds of our students. There is growing recognition of the link between art, learning, and achievement.

Connections to the Classroom:

As a Special Education Teacher, it was interested to note that students at the low end of the spectrum expressed markedly more explicit connections with the subject matter after studying their arts units than their non-arts units. After seeing the research and reading through the articles provided, I am very curious to do more research on my own and assist my students with their academics goals.