Forum Post 2: Readings from Assignment #3

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Forum Post 2: Readings from Assignment #3

Heather Hayes
Post on the forum your "take-aways" from reading the  three articles.
I can definitely see how art has been pushed to the side and disappearing from classrooms - it is all about getting through all of the curriculum and it seems rushed, so anything that is not necessarily required gets pushed to the side. Art is definitely a way for those students that struggle to connect (like one of the articles said, verbally or through writing).

What connections can you make to your classroom?
I remember art being one of my favorite classes in elementary and middle school. I know that art is an outlet for many students and that including it in my classroom is a way to reach students that may have a hard time connecting. I love giving students a creative way to connect with the novels we read, and allowing them to pick a project (character drawings and analysis, creative posters, comic strips) allows them to bring art in my classroom.