Forum Post 2 - VTS

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Forum Post 2 - VTS

VTS is essential to any classroom! In kindergarten, I use it every day regardless of the subject. It helps students communicate their thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a positive and non-judgmental way. It also helps promote experiences, perceptions, and diversity. Building this rapport among students is key to build respect, collaboration, and a team attitude.

One activity I use almost everyday is “Think, Pair, and Share” - VTS is tied into this strategy by showing the students a picture or visual aid and having them share with a partner(s) what they think about the picture, how it makes them feel, or any other essential question that needs to be asked. This strategy gives a wide variety of responses that helps promote more discussion within the class.
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Re: Forum Post 2 - VTS

Kirah Johnson
Hi Billie :) Funny bumping in to you again on this thread :)

Yes I agree, VTS can/should be used in any grade level, but it's such a natural scaffold in those lower grades. They are constantly creating, imagining, and assigning meaning. Interpreting imagery and discussing is second nature. Might as well wrangle that instinct to support their academics.