Forum Post #2

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Forum Post #2

Morgan Lagos
From reading the three articles, it is clear that changes need to be made in how we view and teach education.  By following the rigorous list of standards that our students are expected to accomplish, in the short time they are allotted, they are being deprived of truly exploring and understanding the skills they are supposed to be learning.  I found it especially interesting that through art integration, student behaviors decreased as their academic skills and class participation increased.  

I agree that students should be exposed and have access to some form of art integration.  However, I believe that when schools begin to integrate it as a required part of their curriculum, a plan and set of expectations needs to be in place.  I liked how in "How Arts Integration Supports Student Learning: Students Shed Light on the Connection" there was a classroom teacher and artist working together to make meaningful lessons that integrated art in a beneficial way.