Forum Post 3: Discussion for Assignment #5

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Forum Post 3: Discussion for Assignment #5

What speaks to you?
"Thoughts on Visual Literacy" mentioned kids want to understand what they're looking at.  I think as adults, we tend to assume children understand at a higher level than what they may based on our own previous experiences and exposures. Using art to reach multiple intelligences is a wonderful way to introduce new concepts or further explain old ones.

Does it give you any ideas?
I think it would be interesting to incorporate arts integration with the use of standards. Currently, I use several art enhancement strategies in my elementary classroom but to officially integrate would be helpful to both the art teacher and myself.

How do you integrate art into your current curriculum?
We integrate art in math with skip counting songs and during our fraction and geometry unit. At the moment, we are beginning to integrate art into our new ELA curriculum.

Other reactions?