Forum Post 3 - Jilian Heatwole

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Forum Post 3 - Jilian Heatwole

I loved the video showing the students discussing what they saw in various pictures. You could "feel" the thinking that was going on and could see the excitement in their facial expressions, they were passionate about what they saying and had confidence in their voices. That is what learning looks like. I need to incorporate more thinking and verbal discussions in my PE class. I often get caught up in what we need to get to that I forget to slow down and ask them questions about things. Share what they already know and what they see when I model a movement or introduce a new sport or activity.

When talking about Visual Thinking Strategies having my own child and being with him as he develops I can really relate to the idea that children use their eyes to make sense of the world. He is confident because he does things, explores and takes chances. I can see him transfer what he already knows to accomplish a new task. For example when he started climbing, he started slow but as he practiced he got more confident and was able to go higher and move across plaines.

Children use their cognitive abilities, visual and personal connections in PE all the time. Gymnastics is a good example, they use their visual and spacial awareness to move and manipulate through different movements. They problem solve different ways to move across a balance beam and parallel bars. Connecting force, space, body awareness and motion with deep thinking, problem solving and applying what they already know to make a movement successful. Students can meet Grade level expectations for gymnastics while also completing science, music and dance concepts. This would be art integration.