Forum Post 3

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Forum Post 3

Something that really stuck out to me was the difference between arts integration and arts enhancement. In my classroom, I frequently use song, movement, and art projects to supplement English Language Arts and math activities. Although I would use these forms of art, I never took the time to look at the art standards. Going forward, I will utilize the art standards to truly integrate art into my lesson plans in a meaningful way.  
An idea I have going forward, is to remember that students want to explain their thinking and learning and integrating art into other subjects is a great outlet for them. As stated above, I currently use art in my curriculum by using song, movement, and art projects. I utilize these different things without being mindful of the standards. So although I am using art enhancement, I am not truly integrating the arts. I have seen growth in my students using art enhancement, so I am excited to see even more growth when utilizing arts integration.