Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

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Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

Samantha Smith
I think that VTS  can be very beneficial to the classroom. It allows students to take the time and look at a picture and go beyond the right or wrong answers. It opens students up to the possibility that there isn't always a right and wrong answer. It also has students back up their answer by providing reasons as to why they think something in a certain way. I like the website from color in Colorado. It talks about using VTS to improve comprehension. I like how it has a black and white photograph and has students move beyond what is in the photo but including reasons behind their answers.
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Re: Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

Angela Spartz
I liked your website with the old man picture. :)  Yes, I too love that it opens doors for communication.  Many students find a way into the discussion and can add no matter what abilities they have.  As an educator, I love using the turn and talk strategy to make sure all students are getting the chance to have a voice before someone gets called on and shares out an idea.