Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

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Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

Candice Wake

The website gives a brief and definition of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) and states that it is a way to tap into students’ background knowledge. This method can be used effectively as a precursor to working on a literary passage because the thinking skilled used to analyze artwork can be transferred to literature. I found this site beneficial because it focuses on literature and writing, which are subjects that are more difficult for me to connect to VTS.

I think this website gives a great example of what VTS looks like. I also gives a step-by-step method to implementing it in the classroom. The step-by-step method is helpful when you are new at doing something.

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Re: Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

Shelby Blum

Literature and writing are two subjects that are hard for me to integrate art into as well. After looking at the website that you posted I have some more ideas on how I could better implement the VTS into these subject area's. I teach first grade so we are always on the move and having some fun discussions. I liked how the website pointed out the method of using a picture to relate what we are reading about. I have done something like this in one of my lessons. We were talking about how schools now days are similar and different to schools back in the day. I brought in a picture of what our school looked like in the past and we discussed what it looks like now.

- Shelby Blum
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Re: Forum Post 4: Discussion for Assignment 6

Esther Mwelwa
In reply to this post by Candice Wake
I agree with with you, because you can give a piece of art to student and ask them to write what they see or hear if it is a piece of music.