Forum Post 4-Katie Schwartzlose

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Forum Post 4-Katie Schwartzlose


This website talked about how to use the any interesting picture to create an improvement in their comprehension.  The author went over the main sections of the lesson and how to build comprehension by using visual thinking.  The main sections are: Method, Reading, Writing, and Hot links.  Method is more about the Steps.  Reading is applying the picture they just used for visual thinking into the reading.  Writing is about comparing and contrasting the first picture to what you read. And last is links in which the teacher can utilize to help them.

Incorporating VTS into my lessons should be easy to do.  Especially with the website I have above.  I will have to research different visuals to incorporate with what I am teaching in that week.
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Re: Forum Post 4-Katie Schwartzlose

I like the reading and writing ideas using the pictures to predict what might happen in the story, and then comparing and contrasting the pictures to what was said in the story. Those connections are so important in order for a student to connect with the main points being made. The student will have a better chance of remembering what they have just learned, visual memory will support the auditory (what they heard).