Forum Post 4-Sydney Paustian

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Forum Post 4-Sydney Paustian

Sydney Paustian
I think VTS is great to use in the classroom. One thing I do is take a "picture walk" of a book before we read it. I ask students what they notice or make predictions on what they think might happen in the book, based on the pictures. This helps them begin to understand about making predictions and observations bases on the pictures.  Its a fun way to introduce this an get the talking!

Here is a link to a website I saw that gives a little introductions to VTS, lesson plan help, an also additional resource! I thought it was helpful!
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Re: Forum Post 4-Sydney Paustian
Thanks for the website. I have also done a picture walk with picture of land forms to get students thinking about what they noticed about the land forms and what we are going to be learning next.
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Re: Forum Post 4-Sydney Paustian

In reply to this post by Sydney Paustian
I really like your idea of doing the picture walk. Students making inferences and predictions is a very helpful method to assist reading comprehension. Doing this picture walk is a great way for students to make these inferences.
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Re: Forum Post 4-Sydney Paustian

In reply to this post by Sydney Paustian
This is wonderful information!  Love the picture walk idea. Also, love the website!! Thank you for that.  I am a first year art teacher (long time language arts teacher), I have used picture books to teach a lot of ways, but it never occurred to me to do a "picture" walk.  Thank you for the great idea.