Forum Post 4 VTS

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Forum Post 4 VTS

Haley VanBlaricome
After reading articles and watching videos about VTS it has helped me to understand what it is and how I can incorporate it into my curriculum. Art can be used in all subject areas and student interest will go up. My students really enjoy having free time in class to color, draw, or create something like snowflakes.

I have learned that I will need to do more research and understand the art and how I am presenting it before doing it with my class. I feel I would be able to integrate art with science and social studies easiest.

The link I have attached has many different activities and lesson plans. It is helpful that the site has broken it down by grade level. One lesson I would like to try with my class is Art, Landforms and Weather. There are ways to differentiate for students above, at, or below grade level. I like how they incorporate a lot of class discussion along with the project. For someone like me who is new to this the lesson plans are very detailed, which make it very helpful.
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Re: Forum Post 4 VTS

Dana Wright
That is a nice site. It is helpful to have the lessons organized by grade and differentiated. This site really illustrates "how" to integrate VTS into everyday classroom instruction.
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Re: Forum Post 4 VTS

Brett Egge
I enjoyed looking at these lesson plans.  I also liked how they told you the specific details of the beginning of the VTS lesson.  This really allowed me to visualize how the lesson would look and feel.  It also shows how art and vocabulary are directly influenced in the lesson.