Forum Post 4

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Forum Post 4

Aimee Flynn
After reading the articles and viewing the videos, I can definitely understand the importance of implementing  VTS into classroom learning.  It was fantastic to observe the students use critical thinking skills and discuss their observations with each other.  One comment from the videos that I particularly found to be thought provoking was that VTS develops flexible thinking and that there isn't always one right answer.

A website that I found helpful was  It had lesson plan examples for VTS and resources for learning how to teach using VTS in the classroom.
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Re: Forum Post 4

Morgan Crosby
I agree with you, thank you for pointing out that it students were able to discover there was more than one answer. Also letting children discuss with one another is so important to their learning and understanding!
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Re: Forum Post 4

Merydith Marshall
In reply to this post by Aimee Flynn
I also found the comment about "flexible thinking" to be very thought provoking as well. As a math teacher, it is hard to open up to the concept of "more than one correct answer". However, students being able to explain their thinking and discuss it with their peers with an open mind is very important. Therefore, I think VTS is a great tool to use to develop this skill.

Thank you for sharing the resource with several lesson plan ideas!