Forum Topic #2 from reading assignment #3 Savannah Strunk

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Forum Topic #2 from reading assignment #3 Savannah Strunk

Savannah Strunk
There was so many important notes to take from these articles. One thing that was again solidified for me was students learn differently. These three articles again show that all students learn following different trajectories. Being able to integrate art into the classroom allows for teachers to help all students learn using different teaching methods to reach different learning trajectories. From these articles it seemed that there was more enjoyment in learning and allowed students to want to learn more on topics. Art integration seemed to help keep the students excited about learning and wanting to learn.

These articles gave me ideas of different ways to incorporate art into the classroom. Often when art is mentioned I automatically thing of crafting, painting or something along those lines. I now have ideas of incorporating music to learn new math methods or dancing or acting out a story. There are many things that can be done to integrate art into the classroom. This seems to be more and more important as in recent times art is being cut due to financial funding.