Forum post 3 Discussion for Assignment #5 Savannah Strunk

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Forum post 3 Discussion for Assignment #5 Savannah Strunk

Savannah Strunk
What speaks to you?
In the reading and the videos, it really spoke to me that we learn with observation. Even as a baby your eyes are always looking and seeing and learning. I really found it interesting the different observations that the children made looking at the different pictures and the expression on the people’s faces. It was interesting the see why they were seeing things the way they were.
Does it give you any ideas?
This gives me the ideas to use the different tools each child has from their eyes to their ears. Integrating the different arts will allow the different sense to be used also.
How do you integrate are into your current curriculum?
Currently use a lot of crafts, dancing and physical movement. I have also used music to learn different math methods to help the students remember how to use them and what they are.
Other reactions?
Currently, I haven’t used art standards to integrate art in the classroom, but this gave my the idea to see if we are meeting different standards in the regular classroom and not just in the specials (art, music etc.) classrooms.