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I wish I had taken this class years ago.  I was an administer so receiving 100 e-mails a day and the way I read them was not very efficient.  Learning how to organize, label, and filter them would have allowed me to cut down on the time I went through my e-mails and how to efficiently search for certain e-mails when I needed to find a specific one. I did use group contacts to send out daily bulletins which helped me to quickly send out an e-mail to everyone involved without having to type each individual e-mail.
I would use the gmail contacts to remind students/parents of upcoming test.  I would create a classroom student group contact and e-mail out review questions before a test.  I would invite parents and students to my google calendar allowing them to see when assignments were due or test being held.  I know many people use Remind allowing for texting but gmail, which all our students have because we are one to one, would be another option for classroom communication. With every person at school having e-mail, it would also allow me to e-mail reminders to students or congratulatory statements on school work or school activities.