Gina Walter-Dunn Inappropriate use of digital media

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Gina Walter-Dunn Inappropriate use of digital media

I am sure there have been times when I have seen digital media used inappropriately but only one thing is coming to mind. My daughter was the victim of cyberbullying when she was in high school and first started using Facebook. She had a girl making mean comments, spreading rumors, and threatening her online. She blocked her, but the girl continued to make comments of her friends pages and since the two had mutual friends in common, my daughter kept seeing all of these threats. We finally had to not get on the site for many days to let things die down. We did report some of the comments, but in the end, my daughter just wanted things to go away on their own.
I have seen teachers post questionable things going on in the classroom to some social media sights. They may post pictures from their classrooms on their personal pages, without blurring faces of students. Some teachers also friend students. I do not know if for the younger generation, this is just a way of life and they believe it is normal or they are not aware of the issues.