Gmail Int'l teacher uses

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Gmail Int'l teacher uses

Luke Ames
Google mail is set up nicely with the Calendar, Contacts and the Tasks (though I have not used this much yet) to organize me, as a teacher, students and parents.  I teach internationally so the tech experiences of kids and their parents varies quite a bit from the states.  I am in Austria.  Some students, but more of their parents, are a bit reluctant to see the benefits and give up so much paper.  Gmail I use primarily for communication with colleagues.  I have been playing with Tasks to see about organizing my things to do each day because Caldndar  gets a little crowded if I try my Tasks there as Calendar entries.  
For student use, announcements and assignments, Google Classroom is much better than sending emails to kids or Contact groups.  This is my second school that has adopted this platform.  It makes the organization of students knowing what is going on in my math or science classroom on a daily basis a click away.  If a student is absence, it cannot be beat.  Its functionality of entering assignments directly on their personal Gmail calendar is also very handy indeed.