Gmail and Google

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Gmail and Google

Steve D
     The district that I am working in uses outlook.  It is OK but I really like google and g-mail.  The reason that I am taking this course is to enhance my skills in google.  There are a lot of other districts and the AEA that are using Google.  My role as a consulting teacher requires me to communicate with other districts, so I really want to increase my skills in google docs and g-mail.
     Google and g-mail are a great way to communicate with parents and other colleagues.  But is way more than that.  I have learned how to filter email and create folders.  This will work great for for my personal emails.  I am going to create folders for my personal emails, receipts, bills etc.
     I think that a lot of businesses and employers are going to using google and g-mail.  If our goal is to help students become 21st century ready.....we need to teach them how to organize their life electronically.  Schools and businesses are using google docs to collaborate electronically and our students don't know how to use it.  We need to teach students to use google calendar to list when assignments and projects are due.  We need to help them organize their emails.  We need to teach them how to collaborate using google docs.  We also need to teach them to use google to store all their files, then whatever device that they are on they have access to their files.
     I also think that we need to teach our student how to properly use their smartphones.  The students and workers of the future will do most of their work from their phones.  We as teachers need to get up to speed and learn how to use it ourselves so we can teach our students.  My wife is a realtor in town and about 90% of her work is done on her Iphone.  I would say this is pretty normal for a lot of businesses.
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Re: Gmail and Google

The district I'm working in has been slowly transitioning in Google, especially during the last couple of years and has now made all official about one month ago.  I am still familiarizing myself with all of the aspects of Google and how to enhance my skills.  I started using Google slides this year with one of my classes just to get my feet wet.  I really enjoyed the presentation aspect and the docs communication between myself and the students.  Am looking forward to learning about the various ways others have/are using Google in their classroom and community!