Gmail in 3rd grade

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Gmail in 3rd grade

Jennifer Pearson
Similar to some of the other participants, gmail is blocked on our chromebooks for 3rd graders.  My co-workers and administrator have discussed having it open, but are mainly concerned about students using it inappropriately with other students.  Gmail is an essential part of my classroom when it comes to communication with parents.  My students all have a gmail address that allows them to share documents with me. Although we don't use email in a traditional sense, we use it as a vehicle to use other google apps.
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Re: Gmail in 3rd grade

Lisa Schultz
This can be a delicate students access to and practice in using technology while considering proper use of that technology and the internet safety of our students.  I think this is an area we need to be especially vigilant in as sometimes our technology outdistances our understanding of it and how students can/should be accessing it/using it.