Gmail in classroom

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Gmail in classroom

As a para I’ve used iGmail with some of my students I worked with. With one student, together we made google slides. Then we would share it with a teacher and her family. We did the same thing with google docs. We used Gmail as a communication to the parents.Using Gmail with this student was great for her. The students enjoyed getting Gmail. They had to read, writing and spell.
Now in new district I work with a nonverbal student. I’ve used slides and docs for communication with teachers and AEA staff.
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Re: Gmail in classroom

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For your nonverbal student, these tools can also be adapted to support their communication needs. You might consider integrating visual aids, interactive elements, and perhaps even augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies within Google Slides and Docs to enhance their learning and interaction with teachers and AEA staff.       Secure Indigo card account
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Re: Gmail in classroom

dino game is also called Google Dinosaur Game, Dinosaur Game, T-Rex Game, Chrome Dino, No Internet Game, and Dino Dun. The online game is free to play on a computer, a cell phone, or a tablet.