Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

Gmail is a versatile resource for the classroom. My school district recently switched to G-Suite and using Google has made student access and communication easier. Since everything is bundled together and regulated by the school, students have been able to develop a new, safe means of communication with their instructors and other students for academic matters. This process was aided along by the fact that everyone started from scratch at the same point, allowing use of gmail in the classroom to become the established norm. The distance learning environment of the last year and a half strengthened the reliance upon this tool. It is self-contained, uniform, and everyone is used to using it.
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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

That's a great idea about the Gmail.  I use the same thing in my classroom.  Students are engaged and follow along with GMail whe homework is assigned.  

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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

In reply to this post by LVPiscator
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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

In reply to this post by LVPiscator
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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

In reply to this post by LVPiscator
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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

In reply to this post by LVPiscator
I learned a lot from your posts. kadashika