Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

Using gmail is a great way for students to get used to utilizing an email account as that is something they are going to know after graduating. The google chat feature is the best feature I have utilized throughout this past school year as students were able to chat with me through that instead of an email getting lost in the abundance of emails us teachers get each day. Setting my gmail up so that I have things sorted by student and class has also been benefitual to not only myself, but my students. I have also taught and shown students how to do this so that they are not overwhelmed with the abundance of emails they get and how to organize their emails based on their teacher/class.
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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

Students can benefit from using gmail because it will be something they are familiar with after graduation. My favorite tool that I used extensively this school year was Google Chat since it allowed my students and I to have instantaneous conversations free games, rather than sending and receiving emails back and forth.