Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

Tony Napierala
I find many useful tools for the teacher and the student.  It is a great way to organize lessons/assignments.  You can label assignments by color, per chapter/section.  Organizing by color allow the teacher/student to keep all assignments, comments in the proper place.  The chat option allows students to ask questions.  By connecting with parents, through the chat and through the color system, be easy for them to check for assignment completion, ask questions through chat and by creating tasks related to each assignment email.  Students can check off what they have accomplished.
Example: Label all chapter 1 assignments red- email all assignments, create a check list, students will know order/can add a check for understanding.  If having problems can chat with the teacher, get more questions- when they feel comfortable move on to the next task.  The teacher can follow up, can create self directed learning for the student allows teacher to be a facilitator.