Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

John Atkinson
All of our students have Chromebooks and so we have for several years now been transitioning so much of what we do to Google apps, etc. For my classroom management, I still prefer a Learning Management System like Canvas to something like Classroom, and so I have gotten to a point of trying to minimize student interaction related to assignments in Gmail--desiring to keep them in Canvas rather than being inundated with notifications in Gmail, etc. However, after going through the module, two particular things did stick out to me that may bring me back to using Gmail more directly with students. First was the idea of using the "tasks" feature of Gmail, which I've never really messed with, to help students manage many assignments, particularly for something like "chunking" a large project into manageable bits with clear deadlines. Second, I would like to, at the start of each semester, walk my classes through having the students go to their settings and look at the "labs" section, encouraging them to add the lab that adds the Google Calendar to their email page. I always encourage them to connect their Canvas calendar to their Google Calendar so that they have dates noted there, but I also know that they check their email regularly, but not always the calendar directly. If it were there in their email window, they would likely attend to it more often
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Re: Gmail in the Classroom

Lorie Horn
I like the idea of connecting the calendar to their email.  I agree that they need to have easy access to materials rather than bouncing from one site to another.  Hopefully if they are connected, then they will start noticing announcements, etc. daily.