Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

Stacy Behmer
Gmail can be a powerful communication tool for students and teachers.

Setting up filters for assignments:
The teacher can set up a filter on an assignment, create a naming convention for the subject of the email for that assignment, so when a student emails with that subject a label is automatically added and the email may skip the inbox and go to that label (folder).

Setting up a scavenger hunt:
Use filters to create a scavenger hunt, if a student emails you with the exact answer to a question in the subject line, use a canned response to send them the next clue!  If they don't get the email right back then they know they need to try again! (Check out the Canned Response Gmail lab, lots of potential)

Build your PLN:
Use a Chrome extension Rapportive to check out the social media connections of your email contacts, they may be great colleagues to follow on Twitter, G+ or Facebook.

***There is no Gmail lab for Translate - you could try using the Chrome extension to help or copy and paste the text into Google Translate