Gmail in the Classroom

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Gmail in the Classroom

Kellie Terpstra
I have used Gmail for years, but I now realize there are so many other features I can utilize!  Like many other participants in this class, I enjoy the labels feature.  It has really helped clear out my inbox.  Being able to customize the labels to my classroom needs is wonderful.  I can have one specifically for parent emails, another for messages from our student services coordinator, etc…  Another feature that has simplified my life is rearranging how messages are displayed.  Allowing “unread” emails to show up first enables me to see what I glanced at but never responded to.

One feature I’d like to use in my classroom is Google Tasks.  This could be a lifesaver when it comes to reminders.  My school still requires each teacher to create a weekly newsletter.  While I imagine parents like this to some extent, I think they’d appreciate these notices and reminders to simply pop up on their phones or computers.  They can then add them to their calendars as well.