Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Tammy Schaaf
I am a retired teacher going back into the teaching field and needed one renewal credit to get my license renewed. With all of the technology being used today in and out of school I decided to take Google App 101 hoping to learn to be organized and to keep up with the technology being used in school.  I have a Gmail account and I know how to read and send emails and now am learning that there is a whole lot more I can learn and do with Gmail.   There are several ways in which Gmail can be used in the classroom.  Gmail is a reliable method to communicate with students, parents and other staff members.  The students in my school all have their own computer and we use it to have them turn in assignments, they use Google docs to view attachments and Google calendar to keep track of when assignments are due.  I use Google docs to do my students goal updates.  There are endless ways and ideas to use Google Gmail in the classroom.