Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Amanda Paulson
One of the things that I have learned in the tutorial was about the labeling.  I typically would use folders for assignments, but now I will start using labeling more frequently with the emails/conversations that I receive.  It is also beneficial for our students to learn about these features.  I will share with them how to label emails, specifically for their announcements that they receive daily.  

We have a homeroom group and one of the first things that I will have the students do is to show them how to create a more professional signature for their emails.  Students will often use their school emails to communicate with others outside of our immediate educational setting and having a signature that is more formal is a small step towards professionalism.  Although students have had email for several years, they often don't take advantage of all of the settings that are available and can be helpful to go through in the first few weeks of the school year.