Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Hello my name is Dana Smith and I am a high school art teacher. I use Gmail everyday with students, parents, community members and coworkers. I use Gmail with my students to help communicate art show entry forms, due dates, techniques and processes for projects, and check out sheets for materials in the art room. I also use Gmail everyday to communicate with my colleagues about students, events/activities and meetings. I use Gmail very frequently with parents to help communicate their student's success in class or what they may need to spend some time working on. I think Gmail group messaging works very well in my high school classroom, it allows me to give a wide range of people the same information that way everyone is on the same page. It is common practice for the students at my school to check their Gmail before they even start 1st period so I think it is nice knowing what I am taking the time to put together and send will be seen by all involved.