Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Kristen Hurley
As a frequent user of Gmail, I felt I had a solid understanding of its features but I definitely learned a few things!

As a Technology Coach, I often receive emails from co-workers, students and parents needing assistance with Technology related items.  I had not considered the Task option previously but could see the benefits of adding emails to my Task list as needed.  I also like that I can add it to my calendar for easy viewing.  As I access my calendar often, I love the Lab for adding my calendar to my email. I no longer need to have a tab open with my calendar - can see events for the day right in my email.  Our teachers and students currently use Edmodo for homework management but if we switch to Google Classroom I could see the benefits of these items as well for our students.

I have always used labels to organize my email but had not created my own groups.  It would have saved a lot of time for contacting my Lego League parents had I created a group sooner!  Also love that you can remove members of the group as needed.
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Re: Gmail in the classroom

Connie Cody
Our district will be incorporating Google Docs next year instead of Outlook.  This is the first time I have been exposed to Google and have a lot to learn.
I have set up group contact with my students for assignments, etc.
 I have also used  "Signature" for my account.