Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Mark Huppert
Although I am no longer in the classroom, I wish we had gmail when I was. Just being able to communicate with my students at any time of the day would be invaluable. If you combine that with the other parts of GAFE, I don't see how 21st century classrooms can function with out GAFE or its equivalent.

Mail coupled with Calendar you can set up automatic assignments and reminders of due dates.
Mail with Google Docs all sorts of information can be shared like instructions, assignments, videos, etc.
Communication with parents/guardians. Also being able to copy administrators when needed.
Allowing students to be able to email resources using school approved addresses. Students learn that email is an integral part of any institution -- both educational and business.

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Re: Gmail in the classroom

Sue Huff
Yes, students need to learn that email is a part of any institution and that responding to emails promptly and correctly is a necessary component of business and professional success. I attended a lecture for high school students by a prominent young business owner of the well known T-shirt company in Iowa. When asked for what he thought was the best advice he could give, he told them to answer their emails promptly. He stated that he continued to be surprised at established professionals who did not respond to emails. He explained to them that answering their emails immediately was one of the best ways to become successful in business and develop an edge over competitors. It was a great talk and very practical advice for young people as well as the rest of us.
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Re: Gmail in the classroom

Matt Zanger
In the settings tab, there is a "Labs" section that allows users to try "experimental" applications.  They discuss one called "canned responses" which, I think, might be something to discuss at the same time as the importance of responding quickly to others.  It is a worthy goal to reply to all emails within a day, but depending on the student, or eventually, the type of job they get into, this may not always be practical.  This could lead into discussions about time management, respect for others and respect for self.