Gmail in the classroom

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Gmail in the classroom

Michelle Cherry
I have used Gmail for awhile but have never really explored all the features. I have not used the Tasks option but think that it would be a great way to help keep me organized.  I also learned better ways to organize labels including removing those I do not use and save emails for documentation or reference.  Creating a classroom group contact would be very helpful when sending reminders to students and parents.  It would also be useful for weekly communication such as newsletters or positive notes home. If students have the option of having email in the classroom, it is a great way to have them collaborate on projects. I would also like to explore the filters as my inbox gets so full I have a hard time finding saved emails.
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Re: Gmail in the classroom

Sheree Spraglin
I like the idea of sending weekly positive notes home, using gmail, to a group of students or individuals as their behaviors and accomplishments would warrant.  I will consider making table groups, using labels, to send home feedback on group project progress.