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Mark Eveleth
I like to use my gmail to communicate with my band parents.
I can send them information on their child's progress , as well as, giving them information on special activities and even schedules for special events.
Parents can also reply on those emails and let me know if they have any special questions or concerns.
I also communicate with my students about lessons or papers that need to be made up or returned.
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Re: Gmail

John Flaherty
I use Gmail in the following ways:
1) The typical way.  Communicate with individual students and colleagues about a variety of items
2) I use Gmail to set up groups to provide information that all of the group will need. For example, I have a football roster group that I email my players about practices, attached articles about specific points of the game of football.  I also send out mass emails to my coaches.  Finally, I use Gmail to email my FCA huddle about meeting dates and events around the state.
3) Finally, I send attachments to people as they need.