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Rita Schroeder
I'm a Para at a high school.  We have our own district email that our students use in google classroom etc.  It gets confusing to email to somewhere else.  Where did you send your homework???  I really wish we could, as a district, start using gmail as well as our networks extension.  For my personal use, I have switched friends over to gmail and left all the business stuff on my internet carrier.  I can see in the future this might just take over since google is fairly easy to use and so accessible.
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Re: Gmail update

Rita Schroeder
Things have an odd way of changing your life.  My mother in-law is out of state and ill.  It has been a blessing to use gmail.  One stop shopping sort of speak.  I have used the family meeting to collect information to share with others on gmail.  So easy to take a picture of her ID card to send to others who need it.  Easy to label it as important. seems everyone who has a smart phone has an gmail account.  They can also locate documents I share with them, even they don't use drive either. We have even included links to doctors, calendar out her appointments and even included map link to the find the airport, their house and hospital.