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Melinda Gallagher
I am not currently teaching in a K-12 classroom but years ago I was a middle school teacher. I see Gmail's value as helping a teacher create ways to more effectively communicate with students, teachers/admin, and parents.

I would use Gmail to set up groups specific to each class. Using the group feature, I will be able to easily send out information and attach documents when/if needed.

I also used to be a teacher coach for First Lego League. I could use Gmail to communicate with my First Lego League students and parents and easily share information through email.

Gmail is general is a great tool to effectively organize online communication for efficiency (i.e. groups and labels)

I am taking this online course to receive certification for substitute teaching. I look forward to being able to communicate with the teacher I am subbing for each day. It will be an easy way to communicate information or news I have to share with them from the day.
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Re: Gmail

Deb Mumm
I am currently not teaching in a K-12 classroom however I certainly see Gmail's value in the education industry.  I am taking this class for substitute certification.  

I am currently working with a confirmation class and look forward to using Gmail to communicate with the confirmands, keeping them up to date on when meetings are, who is in charge of meals and remind them as to their homework.  I will set up two different groups so I can communicate directly with the youth and have a separate group to inform the parents of happenings.

We will be able to answer questions regarding homework and use it as a peer, instructor tool using the chat tool or as a FAQ group.

I see gmail as a great opportunity to communicate with the classroom teacher.  At the end of the day you will be able to update them on the progress of each class as well as any behavior issues that may have occurred.  I plan to make sure that all districts have my gmail address so they can send me lesson plans if desired in advance.