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Curt Long
I really like the idea of labs and more specifically going into labs and using the translation feature for sending email to parents. The school I currently teach has a population of about 30/30/30/10%. So this feature could be a huge help in setting up conferences among other things.

I also plan to use the groups as many others have stated. I would like to send it to all of the parents giving them a weekly update about what has been happening in class.
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Re: Gmail

Curt Long
Just adding on to my original post. In addition to what I stated, I plan to use canned responses in my classroom. I think there are emails with regards to reminders and just information within the classroom that I can use these.

For example, I can have a canned response about a student coming in for retakes as far as times they can come in, how many times they can retake, and ways to let me know if I will be available. Should be able to save a lot of time.