Google 101 Gmail

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Google 101 Gmail

I didn't realize how many additional features Gmail contains! I'm slowly learning how to use these features and I've found that the tutorials are helping tremendously. I'm really interested in using the Hangout feature more with the students I work with. I've had a little exposure to it but am far from being an expert. I look forward to using it more to check in with the students regarding missing work and scheduling time for them to meet with me to get caught up in their homework.

-Karla Keener
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Re: Google 101 Gmail

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Re: Google 101 Gmail

In reply to this post by karwthk
The tutorials have been quite useful in teaching me how to use all of these functions. With the pupils I tutor, I'd like to make better use of Google Hangouts. I have some experience with it, but by no means am I an expert. amanda the adventurer
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Re: Google 101 Gmail

In reply to this post by karwthk
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Re: Google 101 Gmail

In reply to this post by karwthk
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Re: Google 101 Gmail

In reply to this post by karwthk
Forums I've read say that the has fun and interesting ideas for people to find. quordle game
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Re: Google 101 Gmail

In reply to this post by karwthk
These are essential features for your learning moto x3m