Google 101 class

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Google 101 class

I am looking forward ti utilizing the tools available In the Google system.  Prior to this classwork I had only used google mail for my building communications.  

Organizational tools
I love the calendar when I can make a meeting, add participants and have the link there.  I have not had to use it a lot in the past, even this year has been only for a few IEP meetings, however this options is very useful.. If we continue in this virtual meeting world due to illnesses, I can see my use of this feature increasing.  I am just getting use to using hangouts.  Many of my colleagues do not use this feature much either we use other means to communicate.  I really like the hang out option because then I don't have to switch between devices and formats.  

Productivity tools
I have found my new favorite tool in Google slides.  I still use traditional flash cards but the slides are very convenient to project onto my board and have students practice basic facts and sight words.
I am getting better at using sheets to record information and data.  Although I am better at making a document and inserting a table or graph.  I  unfortunately do not daily uses for the sheets and struggle still formatting the columns and what not to my specifications.

Website tools
I am excited about the Google sites and the opportunity to learn from my colleges.  I have concerns regarding the time constraints elementary classroom teachers have to search and learn.  We have some many great tools and no time to practice or investigate.
I am not as comfortable with the blogging sites as that it is not really my favorite genre of communicating with others.  I like respectable sites however I have been soured on some blogs where anything goes regarding content and validity.  I will continue to investigate this area, but it is not my favorite.

I look forward to improving my proficiency With these Google features.