Google Apps 101: Gmail

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Google Apps 101: Gmail

Especially during distance learning this spring, Gmail has been key in sending emails to my students and parents, both individually and as a whole class.

By watching the video in this module, I learned about 2 useful features of Gmail that I plan to start utilizing.

First, I learned how to change the layout of my Gmail window, allowing for chat and hangouts to be in a box on the right instead of in the menu on the left.  This will help me more easily notice when someone is trying to send me an instant message without having to open a new tab.  This should really streamline the mess on my desktop during office hours if we are still doing distance learning in the fall, and will also make chatting with colleagues more convenient.  Chat is a great way to quickly answer student questions and talk with colleagues as we collaborate on curriculum development.

Second, I learned how to rearrange my mails by "important," "unread" and "starred."  This will be very helpful in managing my mails when my inbox gets very full and I want to make sure that important messages don't get buried in my inbox.