Google Apps 101: Organizational tools

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Google Apps 101: Organizational tools

Ann Burns
I will use the Tasks feature to make reminders for myself about activities or materials I need to prepare for any pre-scheduled substitute positions.

I will use Gmail to communicate with teachers for whom I am doing a scheduled substitute assignment. I can request copies of student work pages, answer sheets, links to on-line resources, videos and other materials so I can preview them.

I will use the "group contacts" feature to send emails to members of committees on which I serve. I can use this feature to send a group email regarding my available dates to secretaries at the buildings in the 4 different districts where I am a substitute teacher.

Since I am a substitute teacher, with a substitute "authorization" certificate, I do not do any long-term substituting. I do not anticipate contacting students through Gmail.

I already use the Calendar feature on my phone to keep track of planned substitute assignments.