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Google Gmail by Mark McGaffin

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Google Gmail by Mark McGaffin

Mark McGaffin
I can see how useful Google Gmail can be to my students and myself.  First I think it would be beneficial for students to learn how to organize their gmail so it would be wise to instruct them in homeroom/advisory on the helpful tips and features they could utilize.  I think they would benefit from the task bar, labels, contacts, hangouts, and general email etiquette.  Many of them do not know how to utilize these features and their gmail is a mess.  We usually have them clean out their messy binders every 2-3 weeks, it would be helpful if they cleaned out their gmail about every 2-3 weeks as well.  Otherwise I can see myself using gmail with my student through communicating with them, either through hangouts or through regular gmail.  Sometimes they have questions about an assignment or need an additional copy, this is an easy way to get them the assignment or answer their question and get them the quick help they need.  Some students struggle with missing assignments, this would be any easy way to remind students of the work they still have out and need to complete.  Through using the canned comments I could easily send out a emails to those that are still missing the assignment.  Lastly this is a great way to communicate with parents about their child's progress or areas of concern as we move through the school year.  
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Re: Google Gmail by Mark McGaffin

Ragdoll Hit is a physics-based action game where players aim to knock down opponents using ragdoll mechanics. The game’s charm lies in its unpredictable movements, amusing animations, and satisfying collisions.
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Re: Google Gmail by Mark McGaffin

2048 cupcakes
Oh those are great ideas how did you get them we become what we behold unbelievable