Google Sites

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Google Sites

First off, I have created a classroom website before using Google Sites, and I found the process confusing and complicated in the past.  The new versions of Sites is so user friendly and so easy to create a website with.  

The website I created while doing this module will be my new website for my 7th grade language arts class.  I will share this site with all my students and their parents so everyone can assess resources or see the Google Calendar associated with my class.  Parents and students will be able to see what assignments are due and when.  I also linked the district website to my website so if parents want to look at the menu or find information on sports, they can just access it from my site.

For students, I have created a page where all the websites we use daily or weekly in my class are just a click away.  I plan to add more as the year goes on.  I will post a monthly newsletter where I discuss the skills and content that we are covering in class and what assessments will be taken and when.