Google in the Classroom

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Google in the Classroom

I paused during this course to start utilizing what I was learning immediately. I created a group contacts list for all the parents in my upcoming class this year. This was then used as my method of contact when I sent out introduction emails to let each child know I would be their classroom teacher. I continued using what I learned about labels to create a space to put these emails in. I have a parent label, AEA label, Sight word label, etc. This will help me organize my emails and find things much quicker. I am working through setting up filters so some of the emails I receive on a frequent basis can automatically go to these labels; thus saving more time.
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Re: Google in the Classroom

As an art instructor, my syllabus allows students to self-pace projects. I've wanted to build student level and parent contact groups. I'll use contacts and preferences more to communicate with students and parents. I've also suffered with email organization run 3. Labels and email archiving will help me organize my inbox.