Google plus communities

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Google plus communities

Reva Benefiel
I'm not really familiar with Google+ until just now, doing this module of this course.  I still find it horribly confusing in its unfamiliarity, but I'm sure with time I will adjust.  I was interested to note that apparently based on my searches and gmails, there were quite a few communities that popped up as recommended when I first opened up this area.

I did some research, and found two sources that I believe will actually help me quite a bit as a regular substitute teacher.  One is teachHUB, which offers tons of classroom management tips for teachers and subs.

The other community that looks promising is All Things Kids, which is a bunch of mom bloggers who share everything from craft and snack ideas, to nursery rhymes and activities.  This would be helpful when I sub in the lower grades, as I am often looking for time fillers when we have trouble maintaining the normal schedule.