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Emilie Obrien
I was unable to access google+ and google communities but my school has been using google docs and pages this year.  While not completely the same, we found google pages to be very helpful as many people could collaborate and work on a document to share and contribute ideas.  As we were updating our curriculum map; google pages , made it easier to contribute ideas and suggestions while not all being in the same room.  I really liked using google forms and found we could collect information from our families  that came typed up and already organized as before it was handwritten and then had to be typed by classroom teachers.  We also used p google pages to work in committees across the whole school level and be able to share our results with other committees and see their results.

I can see the communities.p being a great way to connect to other teachers at your age and grade level as well as a way to connect. K-12 school and be able to see what other grades and classes are doing.