Helpful Boards

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Helpful Boards

Andrea Schramm

These are a few boards that I have found to be helpful. The first board has a lot of unique lesson plans that are aimed at younger kids but can be adapted for older ages as well. Some of the lesson plans are longer while some could be completed in one day. It also has some valuable ideas about classroom organization.
The second board has a variety of great pins, ranging from decor ideas, bulletin boards, lessons, posters, and ideas for different projects. It is suited more for junior high and high school students, but a lot of the bulletin boards and decoration ideas could easily be translated to suit a younger grade.
The third board I linked to has a lot of good material regarding encouraging kids to have a "growth mindset" by focusing more on what they are able to do and less on what they can't do. Some of the resources on this board are very thought provoking and should be checked out by anyone in the education world.