How I plan to use Google Gmail in my classroom

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How I plan to use Google Gmail in my classroom

Sherry Bredehoeft
      I am a teacher of a four year old Iowa statewide voluntary preschool program teacher.  I can think of tons of ways I could use this in the upper grades!  But the one thing that really can be useful to me at this point is the grouping of my preschool parents for quick access to email them.  I also like the chat idea for sending my newsletters because I always ask the parents to respond to questions like "What has your preschooler been telling you about our study of..." and "What have you observed your students working on at home?" "Share any thoughts you have about... on", etc.  We are trying to cut back on paper and utilize digital resources, so I have been exploring what is simplest for my parents to respond back to.  Due to Covid 19, we have been using apps like Seesaw even though we've not been out of school throughout this past year.  I've been frustrated with the limitations we have on Seesaw alone and I can see where some of those gaps can be filled by using Google Suite.  I've always wondered how others got the signatures they use on their emails, so I was excited to get that set up for my classroom.  I intend to use the confidential mode when making individual contacts with parents.  I was also excited to learn how to recall an email
     Google Meet would come in handy when we have snow days as well.  Of course, I would have to schedule those when parents can be there to assist their children in the process, so there are a few adaptations I'd need to make.
     I attend all the PLC meetings with our district partners weekly, and we use Google Drive, Shared drives, Docs, etc.  I've also set up Google Classroom, but have done very little with it due to the fact that I really didn't know how to use it.   This is why I decided to take this online course, to fill in the gaps of my knowledge of Google.
     This doesn't pertain to school, but I also have my own longarm quilting business, and I can see multiple ways I can use Google Gmail, chat, hangouts, etc.   I'm the secretary for one of the quilt retreats that we hold once a year, and I can't wait to use what I'm learning here to make forms, documents, share information in Gmail about what to bring, what to expect, "meet the teachers", register for classes, and so on.
Sherry Bredehoeft
ECS 4 yr old preschool teacher