Inappropriate Digital Use

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Inappropriate Digital Use

Sara Robb
Share a time when you or someone you know was the recipient of an inappropriate use of digital media or when you might have used digital media in an inappropriate manner. How did this make you or others feel? What might have been done differently?
I had a teen co-worker come to me at an old job with a concern because another co-worker texted a graphic image of a part of his body. She didn't know what to do about it because he was adult age and she was not and she had to work with him. She didn't feel comfortable going to her parents for this concern.
It made her feel very uncomfortable being around him and in turn uncomfortable being at work in case he was there at the same time. It made me feel disgruntled at this guy for doing this to her but rather proud she felt safe enough that she could come to me to find a solution
In the future she knows she can talk to her parents or the manager and HR about this as the company does has a sexual harassment policy in place. What might have been done differently is that she could not have exchanged numbers with this guy and if it was necessary to exchange numbers for work then to set a professional boundary so that he knows that there will be no extra chit chat. He however should have known  that such behavior is not appropriate in any setting.